Welcome to Archemys Care Services

The home of care transformation & turnaround


We’re dedicated to transforming and turning around your care business, making it as successful as it can become – as quickly as possible​

Our Goal
Rapidly grow your care business to the benefit of customers, owners and staff.
Working at your side throughout
Delivering success
We’re an unparalleled combination of proven track record and comprehensive, practical resources – at your disposal.
Our mission is to drive rapid and systematic improvements in the performance and value of Care Businesses.
Our mission is to foster the growth of integrated Care & Health in the community. Refocusing and enhancing its delivery through more effective care providers.
Results Driven
Archemys Care Services are 100% driven by results – plain and simple.

We partner you in maximising the performance and value of your Care Provider business:
A Unique Platform

Of Supportive Resources and Services
combined with Experience And Tools

While guiding what needs to be done is valuable, ensuring its completion is even more crucial.
By providing  the necessary resources for achievement, we deliver actual results.
Experience & Tools

Archemys Care Services have the hands-on experience plus the tools to deliver your succes.

Why are some Care Providers far more successful thanothers?

There is a formula.

We understand it and havethe tools to deliver it.

Our Resources

Structured Performance

Archemys rapidly delivers initial results – via our structured transformation framework.  Deploying our wealth of experience on your behalf, we quickly identify where the most impact will be felt. 

Our team is very aware of the challenges faced by care businesses today and the need to turn around under performance, as the foundation for continuing, longer term growth.

Alongside our Team’s proven track record, we support you through a custom-fit change programme that’s right for you. Programmes developed by our associate company:   Archemys Partnerships.

Head Office

You already have your hands full making sure that your customers receive the highest quality care you can deliver. 
Archemys helps maintain the smooth running of you care business by managing many of the admin and operational tasks on you behalf – from the cloud.

Think of it as having the advantages of the Head Office support of the larger care groups.

These include admin and accounting, revenue generating marketing, care quality standards, operations and procedural compliance and so on.


Technology can dramatically increase the productivity, effectiveness and revenue of your care business simultaneously.  Archemys will identify the operational areas where TEC will have the earliest and greatest impact for the lowest cost.

Our associate company TeleHealth Central have been pioneers in the development of integrated TEC platforms for years. In customers’ homes, residential facilities – including 24/7 complex and profound care.

Doing more with less and at the highest standards.

Take a look at our extensive range of services we have at your disposal to facilitate a fast transformation and turnaround of your care business

Who is it for ?

Our services cater to a range of clients, including independent care groups seeking growth. Additionally, independent care providers aiming to collaborate and take advantage of our ‘Care Virtual Head Office’ concept. This collaborative approach offers the perfect blend of independent value creation, coupled with heightened efficiency and the potential for increased profitability.

Residential Care
Respite & Temporary Accommodation​ Dementia & Mental Needs​ Complex Care​ Specialised Nursing​
End of Life

Who is it for ?

Our services cater to a range of clients, including independent care groups seeking growth. Additionally, independent care providers aiming to collaborate and take advantage of our ‘Care Virtual Head Office’ concept. This collaborative approach offers the perfect blend of independent value creation, coupled with heightened efficiency and the potential for increased profitability..

Residential Care
Respite & Temporary Accommodation​ Dementia & Mental Needs​
Complex Care​
Specialised Nursing​
End of Life
Why are we different?
Tailored care
at home
TeleHealth - 24/7 monitored independent, Safe Wellbeing​
Scheduled & Emergency Care Assistants​
Dementia Coaching & Medication​
Round the clock Complex Care

Archemys Care Services is formed by a leading team of healthcare professionals who recognise that things have to change.

That without much stronger, more successful and integratedCommunity Healthcare, more people are not getting the care they need. In addition to turning around and growing care businesses, we’ve the resources and tools to reprovision them for this new paradigm.

A new paradigm

Proud to introduce our expert team !
Contact Us
We’re striving to build a new, more effective community of care provision. Contact us and find out how we can help your business grow
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