About Us

A new breed of care & health support

Introducing Our Elite Team of Healthcare and Business Experts

At Archemys Care Services, we understand that success in the care sector requires more than just a vision; it demands a profound understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the industry.

In these turbulent times, the value of experience and expertise cannot be overstated. Our team at Archemys Care Services boasts over 25 years of combined knowledge, and this wealth of insight is what truly sets us apart.

Our leadership team consists of individuals who have held senior executive roles within the care sector. Our expertise has been cultivated through engagements with a wide spectrum of care providers, from private equity-backed enterprises to owner-managed businesses. Our unique strength lies in our ability to blend operational excellence, financial acumen and  commercial insight seamlessly.


Building your success

We stand by the measurable results we deliver

We are proud to introduce you to a team of seasoned professionals, each bringing their unique insights and strengths to the table.

Expertise meets innovation
Partnering with Archemys Care Services means you're not just gaining a service provider; you're entering into a collaboration with a team that knows your industry inside out.

Meet the team

Our Professionals

David Robson

Executive Chairman

Jon Hather

Chief Executive Officer

Liz Moran

Care Change Management and Regulation

Terry Tucker

Care Delivery and Leadership

Roger Waluube

Healthcare Performance Management

Gary Turner

Chief Financial Officer - Mergers & Acquisitions


A vibrant, effective and well resourced Community Healthcare sector​

Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results  . . .  is a sign of insanity

We cannot solve our problems, with the same thinking we used when we created them…

Albert Einstein 
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