Archemys Care Services


The Challenge

Why we need to work together

Presently the community care sector is challenged – to say the least! Inflation, interest rates, energy costs, skills shortages, compliance issues; all are conspiring to cause vulnerability for many of them and place others actually at risk.
Additionally, a substantial amount of care support is commissioned by local government (Adult Social Services) who themselves are facing the worst financial situation in history – hence their tight control of tariffs. 

You don’t need to be Einstein to recognise that something has to change. But here’s a thought from the great man worth considering further:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

The Shift

With all this in mind, let’s be very clear. The economic paradigm, for care and health in the community, is shifting dramatically – simply because it has to. Historically, when such market conditions prevail, rapid disruption and consolidation are inexorable drivers accelerating this shift.


Business Brokers

Our goals are aligned. Archemys Care Services aims to significantly improve the financial and operational performance of care businesses – thereby maximising their value.  

Alongside the situation outlined above, some owners seeking to capitalise on their hard-work and personal investment are finding that millennials are not as interested in running care businesses, as the boomer generation wishing to retire


The commercial circumstances of independent care businesses at the time of funding have and continue to change. Escalating costs, that include debt servicing, repayment of Government ‘pandemic loans’, quality compliance and skills shortfalls significantly increase the vulnerability of these businesses.In many cases, their management need support – to transform business strategy, operating models and financial reporting.

Professional Services Accountants, Administrators,...

Sometimes, care business owners seek essential support only when events are overtaking their awareness or acceptance of deteriorating circumstances. Archemys Care Services recognises two groups of these.  

Those whose management reporting should indicate the urgency of a turnaround strategy. Secondly, those who have gone past a solvency boundary and need restructuring or even an immediate and organised exit.

Our goals are aligned. Archemys Care Services aims to significantly improve the financial and operational performance of care businesses – thereby maximising their value.  

Alongside the situation outlined above, some owners seeking to capitalise on their hard-work and personal investment are finding that millennials are not as interested in running care businesses, as the boomer generation wishing to retire

The commercial circumstances of independent care businesses at the time of funding have and continue to change. Escalating costs, that include debt servicing, repayment of Government ‘pandemic loans’, quality compliance and skills shortfalls significantly increase the vulnerability of these businesses.In many cases, their management need support – to transform business strategy, operating models and financial reporting.

Sometimes, care business owners seek essential support only when events are overtaking their awareness or acceptance of deteriorating circumstances. Archemys Care Services recognises two groups of these.  

Those whose management reporting should indicate the urgency of a turnaround strategy. Secondly, those who have gone past a solvency boundary and need restructuring or even an immediate and organised exit.

We share goals with Business Brokers and Funders; experienced in Care, Health and Wellbeing. We aim to maximise the performance and value of care businesses - for customers and families, owners and staff

In-depth experience

Why partner with Archemys Care Services?

Archemys Care Services are one of the best equipped teams to partner with – right across the care and health sector. We combine in-depth expertise with practical resources to transform and provision care businesses.

Maintaining quality standards

Selective assignment approach

We take our role very seriously, assuring everyone that we’ll not take on an assignment where we can’t significantly add to the current standing and status of the business.

80 +
Years of combined experience within Archemys Care Services
1 M+
Workforce in NHS- one of the largest employers in the UK
4 B+
Additional Funding promised for NHS in 2021 over next 3 years
780000 +
People receiving home care services in Uk


Rewarding Partnerships

Archemys recognise the importance of knowledgeable information, advice and guidance facilitated by partner advisors, funders etc.

Whenever we uplift performance and value we are delighted to share our rewards with our partners.


Connect with Archemys Care Services

Please do contact us and we can quickly brief you on how we collaborate to the success of your clients.


Open a conversation with us – we’d be delighted. Archemys Care Services have a unique mix of experienced care and turnaround management plus real resources, to bring to your cause. If appropriate, we’re able to reward partnering with your clients; beyond the obvious benefit to your core business. 

We’ll set up a no-strings online discussion to walk you through our strategies and capabilities and the way we team up with the management of care businesses to transform their performance. 

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